Thursday, July 3, 2008

Back in the USA

So I'm back. I got back to Seattle on the 24th. Flew to New York on the 26th. Now I've explored Manhattan with Maggie. We've spent a couple days in the Hamptons together at the old beach house, reliving many memories. And now I'm upstate seeing family and friends.

It's been and continues to be weird returning to American culture (or lack thereof). I feel insecure in a fast moving car, it doesn't break enough, the constant momentum and speed makes me feel like we are out of control. I cross streets without looking, without hearing any honking I feel no need to check my surroundings.

The city was the easiest. And I got to go dancing! Maggie came with me which was wonderful. We went to a fantastic salsa dance one night at Club 412, which is a converted dance studio. Turns out I can still dance, even after 3 months of no partnership, though I'm definitely behind. It was scary but if felt great to be back on the floor. And the next night we went to a Milonga and I recalled the steps of tango, but I'm really rusty.

I'm putting up some lower quality versions of my better pictures on my picasa account.
Please enjoy:

I could write so much more about my last week of travels, about returning, etc. but I believe my blog is done. The rest will have to be self reflection and personal memories.
However, I am planning to organize a dinner/slideshow of my trip and work in Kumaon. It will also be a fundraiser for CHIRAG. If you want more info, email me.

Thanks for reading, I've enjoyed writing my entries. This was an experiment for me on this trip and I'm very pleased with the outcome.

Much love. Namascar,